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Try something different for your next vacation!

#amish country #montreal #travel Jan 12, 2024
Four chairs around a low square coffee table and outdoor carpet in a hut possibly made of bamboo with views of lush greenery through the slats

You may be one of those people who repeats vacations.  By this I mean you may have a particular love (or maybe just a habit?) of going to the same place year after year and staying at the same hotel and doing the same activities.  For some, that might be comforting, while for others, it would be quite stifling.  


I have an example of this from my younger years.  My father had worked for his company long enough to have five weeks of paid vacation every year.  I remember my mother loved "Pennsylvania Dutch" Amish Country.  We lived in New Jersey, so it was only a 2-3 hour drive away.  


We stayed at the same motel.  It was probably in the 1990s but it seemed stuck in the late 1970s to me.  It was a little faded even then.  We would go eat at the buffet.  We would go to the SAME buffet everyday.  We would go to the SAME antique mall everyday.  


For me, it was quite boring and not my style at all.  The one real benefit is that I taught myself to swim in the motel pool.  


I am going to encourage you to try some place new each time you go on a trip.  Or at the very least, do something different.  If you are going to do the same thing everyday, you might as well take up residence there.  


I love going on an adventure.  Some of the things I find enjoyable on a vacation are not necessarily activities a vast number of people would enjoy.  For example, one time I went to Montreal for a weekend to attend an Insight Meditation day course.  I also explored by foot.  I like to look for events or shops I would enjoy to visit--off the beaten path-type shops.  Vacation is also a good time to visit shops and restaurants you wouldn't normally visit.  


Treat yourself.  Make the time special.  Don't overload yourself with activities so that you get so exhausted that you feel like you need a vacation when you get home.  Enjoy the present moment while you are there.  


If you are ready to talk about booking your next vacation, reach out directly at [email protected] 

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